DWG-PURGE, will purge the current drawing of its unused AutoCAD items as well as DGN-related linetypes. To purge the current drawing enter DWG-PURGE at the command line. Once the purge is finished, AutoCAD Text Window will pop up with the result as show below.

Purge Result


If DWG-PURGE is taking long time to purge the drawing, then use DWG-PURGE-BATCH command.

While using DWG-PURGE, if the current drawing has any xref attached that has unused DGN data a dialog box will be displayed with the list of DGN data affected Xref's. You will have the option to either Purge the Xref or not.


This command can be used to purge multiple drawings. This command will open the drawing files in the background

How to know the existence of DGN linetypes/Textstyles ?

Follow below steps to find the existence of DGN linetypes in your drawing.

  • Takes more time than usual to copy the objects to clipboard.
  • In the Linetype Mangaer dialog box there are number of unknown Linetypes which are not using.
  • Existence of unknown Textstyles in the Text style list.
  • Drawing file size is too heavy even the file contains less data.

Batch Dialog BoxBatch Window

Batch SettingsBatch Window

Last Updated:
Contributors: Ajilal Vijayan